So just what exactly is this special mystical energy that will allow us to float up into the air and fly, or even just to simply to levitate a few feet up in the air? Well, it really comes down to individual belief systems, whereby one person may say it is God's energy, and another may say it is internal chi energy, and yet another may say it is overcoming or neutralizing the Earth's gravitational forces through specific brainwave patterns, or specific thought. I want to keep this blog post short and to the point, as it is not a lengthy essay or discourse on human flight. Therefore I will give my own personal opinion on what this levitation or flight energy may be.
I would say that there is an intense flow of spiritual energy that rushes through the body, and I would even go so far as to call this a 'blissful' or 'ecstatic' state of being. It is both intense and blissful at the same time. The mind (thought) initiates the upwards flow of energy to prepare the physical body to levitate, and a split second after the mind engages the intent, then the spiritual energy takes over, while still being guided and tempered somewhat by the mind. So it seems that levitation or flight energy is a combination of mental and spiritual energy in constant state of flux. I would even go on to say that levitation of the physical body requires both mind/mental energy and spiritual energy, balanced in perfect harmony.
Now, these are just my words of course, and in all honesty, this levitation energy, whether it be mental, spiritual, or a combination of the both, cannot be conveyed or expressed succinctly enough through words, but is something that needs to be directly experienced in order to gain a true understanding of the mechanics and workings of this elusive and mystical energy that has the power to grant us the seemingly supernatural gift of levitation and flight.
Please share in the comments section below what your idea or understanding is of this energy that allows humans to levitate and fly.
Chris Zanetti.