More and more people are coming to the realization that gravity is not a fixed rule or law in our reality, but that it is a soft and malleable thing that can be shaped and controlled by our thoughts and willpower.
Just ten years ago, this would have been a difficult concept to grasp, but today, because we have a better understanding of what reality actually is, the whole idea of human levitation and flight becomes that mouch more believable and possible for us. In fact, human flight has now gone from being possible, to being probable, and the probability increases in direct proportion to the strength and power of our beliefs and our faith in our own ability to successfully achieve levitation and flight.
However, it is important to stress that you won't fly from just believing it, but you have to actually do the hard work of physical training and preparing your body for levitation and flight. We always have to keep in mind that to achieve greatness in any area of life takes many years of work and training, and so it is with levitating and flying. We absolutely must do the small things each day that will eventually lead to successfully developing the ability of human levitation and flight.
Chris Zanetti