Flight can often be viewed as an ancient mystical supernatural ability that can take years, even decades to learn and master, and this is all indeed true. However, at the same time, we should also be aware and conscious of the fact that levitation and flight are actually natural skills or abilities that can be achieved simply through the act of learning to channel our own internal energy correctly, so that an upwards motion of our physical body occurs, allowing us to float in the air.
Levitation is both 'super' and 'natural' at the same time. When a human attains the ability to fly, then it can be called a natural skill or ability for that person only, but for the rest of humankind, it still remains a supernatural phenomena, because maybe only one human in a billion has developed this skill to fly. God, or the Creator, or whatever you want to call the higher power in the universe, may have placed the potential ability to fly within all human beings, but if only a couple of human beings out of a planet of eight billion humans can demonstrate actual real-world levitation and flight, then I feel it is wrong to simply refer to this amazing ability as 'normal', because it is as far from what we may consider normal as you could possibly get.
Human levitation and flight, therefore, should remain in the realm of the superhuman or supernatural, as long as this incredible ability remains beyond the grasp of almost every human being on planet Earth.
Chris Zanetti.