I remember feeling so happy in the dream, and it was such an amazing feeling to be able to levitate/fly. After the dream, I woke up at about 3am or 4am laying in bed thinking I should REALLY write down the technique I used because I REALLY didn’t want to forget it. Anyway, a few minutes later I must have slipped back into sleep, without writing down the levitation technique. When I woke up in the morning at the usual time, I still had the residual effects of the ecstatic feeling I had felt in the dream while I was levitating/flying, but I was also annoyed with myself because I had failed to write down the technique I had used in the dream, and now I had totally forgotten how it was that I had accomplished levitation/flight in that dream. I have a slight memory of using a certain breathing technique in order to lift my body into the air, but unfortunately, I can’t remember any further details.
Even accomplishing levitation/flight in my dream feels so incredible, because it is the highest goal/desire that I have in my life. To be able to levitate and fly through the air must be such a beautiful experience. Perhaps such people as highly-spiritually-advanced religious saints or Buddhist monks have attained this ability and are able to levitate and fly at will, but I know that there is probably only a handful of humans in the world who can do this. I really want to become one of the incredibly rare humans who are able to levitate and fly, but for now, I will just have to be happy and content that I am at least able to experience the feeling in my dream state.
Chris Zanetti.
Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training.
Click here to visit my YouTube channel.
Here's a video of me from 2 years ago training to fly at my home in Thailand (new videos coming soon!):