As simple as it may sound, levitation and human flight are only possible for those who believe that it is possible. Those people who are undecided in their belief system, or who just plainly refuse to believe that such a thing as human flight could be possible, those people will never have the opportunity to experience the miracle of human flight, because they have architecturally created a reality which excludes the reality, or even possibility, of human flight. These non-believers have locked themselves, imprisoned themselves, inside a reality that prevents them from transforming themselves from ordinary humans into extraordinary superhumans with god-like powers.
For the believers, those who absolutely do believe that levitation and flight are possible for us to achieve, have to be careful to never allow any doubts to creep into the mind, because it is these seemingly tiny and harmless doubts, that over time, can form into huge monsters that have the power to rip and tear down your hopes, dreams and beliefs about levitation and flight, leaving you with nothing but a life of mediocrity, devoid of any magick and mystery.
So hold tightly onto your positive beliefs regarding levitation and flight. Build a steel wall around these beliefs, and protect them, not only from the negative opinions of others, but also from any negative self-doubt that may arise in your own mind. Just remember, your beliefs create your reality.
Chris Zanetti.