Even though we believe human levitation is possible, how can we practically train for this ability, while at the same time maintaining our belief or faith that one day we will actually levitate? The answer is of course the biofeedback we experience when we are attempting to lift off the ground and into the air. When we attempt to levitate, the body naturally gives us feedback, and let’s us know how close we are to actually levitating.
During the first few months or years of levitation training, you are able to feel a certain lightness in your body, due to the biofeedback you receive from every cell in your body, but you know that you have a long way to go before you achieve actual lift-off. When you get beyond this beginner stage, after years of training, the biofeedback from the body becomes much more encouraging, because your levitation techniques are stronger or more focused now, and your belief or faith has also matured and become stronger, even unbendable or unbreakable. After years of serious levitation training, the cells of your body know that there is a much higher chance of achieving actual levitation, and these cells communicate with your brain, giving a clear indication of the likelihood of you achieving levitation in the near future.
It is this biofeedback from our body that allow us to continue in our levitation training with strong faith, even though those normal humans around us, in our lives, may think we are crazy for even entertaining the idea of human levitation to begin with. Those of us who are training for levitation and human flight know, that the biofeedback we receive from the cells in our body, every time we do our levitation or flight training, give us the encouragement and confidence, and more importantly the faith, to continue training in levitation and flight, knowing that levitation and flight are within our reach, and that with commitment and faith, we will one day achieve our dream, and actually lift off the ground, and float up into the air.
Chris Zanetti.
Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training.
Click here to visit my YouTube channel.
Here's my most recent YouTube video talking about levitation and flight:
During the first few months or years of levitation training, you are able to feel a certain lightness in your body, due to the biofeedback you receive from every cell in your body, but you know that you have a long way to go before you achieve actual lift-off. When you get beyond this beginner stage, after years of training, the biofeedback from the body becomes much more encouraging, because your levitation techniques are stronger or more focused now, and your belief or faith has also matured and become stronger, even unbendable or unbreakable. After years of serious levitation training, the cells of your body know that there is a much higher chance of achieving actual levitation, and these cells communicate with your brain, giving a clear indication of the likelihood of you achieving levitation in the near future.
It is this biofeedback from our body that allow us to continue in our levitation training with strong faith, even though those normal humans around us, in our lives, may think we are crazy for even entertaining the idea of human levitation to begin with. Those of us who are training for levitation and human flight know, that the biofeedback we receive from the cells in our body, every time we do our levitation or flight training, give us the encouragement and confidence, and more importantly the faith, to continue training in levitation and flight, knowing that levitation and flight are within our reach, and that with commitment and faith, we will one day achieve our dream, and actually lift off the ground, and float up into the air.
Chris Zanetti.
Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training.
Click here to visit my YouTube channel.
Here's my most recent YouTube video talking about levitation and flight: