Last night I had a wonderful dream that I was able to levitate a few meters up in the air, and it was such an incredible feeling, knowing I had accomplished one of the greatest goals in my life. The dream was so captivating that for the whole of the rest of time I was sleeping, I was using my mind to try to replay that dream or scenario over and over again, where sometimes I was able to levitate successfully and sometimes I was not. I could not pinpoint that exact cause, reason or technique for the levitation to occur, but I remember that there was a vital key, but even now as I sit here at my desk writing this in the morning with my coffee, I cannot recall precisely what that key was. What I do remember is that just before the levitation occurred, I had to have absolute full confidence or faith that the air would support me and hold me up, then when I was sure that the air would support me, I would just let go and allow the levitation phenomena to occur.
Those who know me know that I don't have levitation or flight dreams very often, and in fact they are quite rare for me considering the fact that I am actually training for levitation and flight in real life. However, with the few dreams that I do have where I can levitate and/or fly, I feel so blessed and happy that I had that experience, even though it was in a dream world and not in my waking reality. I believe that these types of levitation dreams can reinforce and reaffirm our conviction that we will accomplish real levitation and flight at some point in our life.
Having a dream such as this just pushes me more in real life to want to train harder to achieve the ultimate goal that I have set for myself in this life, which is of course to be able to levitate and fly. Please share with us in the comments section below if you have had any levitation or flight dreams yourself, and if so please describe them in detail so we can all benefit from your dream experience. I want this website to be a place where people such as you and I, people who dream of flying one day, and who believe they will actually accomplish it, can share freely our thoughts, ideas and opinions on levitation and flight, without having to be worried about facing harsh judgment or criticism from those other humans who simply do not believe in this supernatural phenomena.
Also, if you have any suggestions for this website that could improve it, I am open to ideas :)
Chris Zanetti.
Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training.
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