What if we first need to transform ourselves into gods in our consciousness before we are able to levitate and fly? What I mean is that perhaps when we consider ourselves to be human, that levitation and flight may never come to us, but when we believe that gods can do anything, even fly, then if we adopt god-consciousness, and let go of human consciousness, which may be the limiting factor holding us back from flight, then we may have finally discovered the key to unlocking our true potential, not as humans, but as gods on Earth.
I know this theory may sound radical to some people, especially if they follow a religion, but we have to be real and true to ourselves. We have to ask ourselves why we don’t see any humans flying around in the sky, or even just levitating a few feet above the ground. I believe whatever the secret is to levitation and human flight, that it is a simple secret, so simple in fact, that if we really knew the secret, it may come as a surprise or a shock to us.
By developing a type of god-consciousness, god-mindset, or god-mind state, then I believe that we are simply giving ourselves a better chance of one day unlocking the ability of flight. Many things may be impossible for humans to achieve, but these same things are indeed possible for gods to achieve, which is why we should seriously consider the idea of transforming ourselves from humans, into gods.
Chris Zanetti.
Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training.
Click here to visit my YouTube channel.
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I know this theory may sound radical to some people, especially if they follow a religion, but we have to be real and true to ourselves. We have to ask ourselves why we don’t see any humans flying around in the sky, or even just levitating a few feet above the ground. I believe whatever the secret is to levitation and human flight, that it is a simple secret, so simple in fact, that if we really knew the secret, it may come as a surprise or a shock to us.
By developing a type of god-consciousness, god-mindset, or god-mind state, then I believe that we are simply giving ourselves a better chance of one day unlocking the ability of flight. Many things may be impossible for humans to achieve, but these same things are indeed possible for gods to achieve, which is why we should seriously consider the idea of transforming ourselves from humans, into gods.
Chris Zanetti.
Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training.
Click here to visit my YouTube channel.
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