When it comes to levitation and flight training, should we be focusing more on spiritual practice or focusing more on physical training of the body and of the energies that exist in the body, or should we have a balanced approach of mind, body and spirit?
A balanced development of levitation energies is always a good thing, and will ensure that you're hitting all of the important areas that may potentially allow you to levitate and fly. However, speaking from years of personal experience with levitation energy, I would recommend to beginner students of levitation training to place a much higher degree of focus on the subtle energies flowing within the physical human body. The boundary of where this energy exists is thus far unclear, as it seems to comprise of both a physical and spiritual type of energy. Where or on what plane or dimension this energy exists is of little importance during the beginner stages. What is of major importance is the act and practice of FEELING this mystical energy that can be summoned from deep within you, and can be controlled and influenced by the mind to follow the will of the individual. We are obviously talking about levitation and flight here, so with practice, we can use this subtle energy in the body, through intense willpower and intent, to cause our bodies to lose their weight/mass and become lighter or emptier, thus enabling the supernatural act of levitation to occur, depending of course on the level of power we have developed over the years of dedicated practice and training.
So as you can see from the direction this blog post is taking, it is not so important to understand where this levitation energy comes from, or what this energy is exactly, but it is VITALLY important that one becomes intimately familiar with the experience of FEELING this energy. We are reminded time and again from other sources, such as the Jedi Masters, that to use the Force, one must focus on feeling, and not on thinking.
Let me know your thoughts on this, and if you have any knowledge to share on levitation energy, then please reply in the comments section below.
Chris Zanetti.