The nature of flight training is that theory plays a large part of it. Learning how to fly requires the practitioner to develop the necessary energy or power to lift the human body off the ground and into the air. The energy required is so intense that the actual training time has to be limited each day, which allows much time for contemplation and theorizing on gravity, levitation and human flight.
I believe that human flight is not some mystical ability that is out of reach of normal men and women, although many would like to think of it that way. I think it is an ability, similar to any other, where the more practice and training you devote to it, the faster your skill level and proficiency develop. What I'm trying to say is that on a certain level, the ability of human flight is a simple skill that can be developed through consistent and intelligent practice.
Now, be careful here how you interpret my words. I never said that human flight is easy. It is not. Simple? Yes. But easy? No, most certainly not. However, if we come together as a group, and pool our knowledge and information regarding levitation and human flight, then there is a greater likelyhood that we may reach our goal of flight.
Chris Zanetti